Oct 26, 2018
Hosts: Stephen & Danielle with Doms, Blockbusterguy Frank and special guest @Orobasart
Our last recorded panel from Florida Supercon 2018. Our successful format "Rant About Anything Nerdy" does it's wonders, we meet some of the audience we built over the convention, surprises abound, lots of plugs, and promotion. (1...
Oct 22, 2018
with the Midnight Hounds: Xena, Duke, Rusty and Morty
The 2nd episode features zeroh attacking clones but has a new segment called Hollywood Holocrons looking at the late great Gary Kurtz and a rundown of the Star Wars news in the atmosphere and from bothan spies like Makingstarwars.net.
Oct 16, 2018
Hosts: Stephen, Danielle, and super-special guest Andres
with: Orobasart, and Blockbuster Guy Frank
Recorded Live from Florida Supercon 2018
in Ft Lauderdale, Fl in room 315 on July Friday the 13th, 2018 @ 11:15pm
Friday the 13th 2018 we got horrific at Florida Supercon Stephen and Danielle brought in special guest...